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Gender Pay Gap Report 2017

  • “At The Perfume Shop our people are our most important asset, offering customers knowledge and expertise with great customer service whenever they visit our stores.

    We aim to recruit, develop, reward and retain our employees regardless of gender, background, culture and perspectives. We have a varied work force and are committed to giving all colleagues opportunities to help them progress in their career. 

    We will always appoint the best person for the role regardless of gender, ensuring equality and diversity at all times. We work hard to ensure our culture is supportive of ensuring The Perfume Shop is a great place to work, evidenced through our engagement results.

    It is our intention to continue our commitment to these values in the coming years and continue to work hard to make sure everyone is given opportunities across the business.”

    Michelle Fellows
    People & Development Director, March 2018

  • Michelle Fellows
  • Store Team
  • Understanding The Gender Pay Gap

    This year, TPS along with every other employer in the UK with 250 or more employees is obliged to report its “gender pay gap”. This includes publishing both our mean and median gender pay gap - two methods of comparing the average rate of pay for our male employees against the average rate of pay for our female employees.

    Gender pay gap figures show the difference in the average pay of men and women, regardless of the nature of their work, across a whole organisation. It can be driven by having an unequal number of men and women across different roles throughout the business.

  • It is important to note that is this not the same as equal pay for men and women. Equal pay comparisons involve a direct comparison between men and women doing the same, similar or equivalent work.

    Gender pay gap reporting regulations ask that companies report both the mean and median gender pay gaps.

    Where there is a positive pay gap, this means that on average, male employees are earning more than female employees. A negative pay gap would mean that on average female employees are paid more than male employees. Gender pay is not the same as equal pay and having a gender pay gap does not mean that an employer does not pay the same to both male and female employees, where they are working the same role.

    At The Perfume Shop we employ around 2,200 staff people, mostly based within our 260 stores but also including around 50 people in our distribution centre and 150 people at our head office.

    We are pleased to report that The Perfume Shop mean and median gender pay gap is less than the national averagefor the retail sector as reported by the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

  • Gender Pay Gap Graph
  • Quartiles
  • What are pay quartiles?

    In addition to reporting the mean and median, we have also demonstrated the gender pay gap information in quartiles. These are calculated by listing the rates of hourly pay for each colleague across the business the lowers to highest, and then splitting these into four equally sized groups, from the lowest paid quartile to the highest paid quartile.

    We noted that when we look at the structure of our workforce, male and female employees are represented consistently across the pay “quartiles” and therefore broadly we have the same proportions of men and women across each of the quartiles:

    This shows that our “Grow your Own” policy is delivering on its objectives and that both male and female employees alike are being encouraged to progress and succeed, and are taking opportunities when they arise.m

  • Bonus Pay

    We are also pleased to note that the majority of our employees receive a bonus, with 87% of male employees and 90% of female employees receiving a bonus in the relevant year.

  • Bonus Pay