Scent with love and positivity
We understand that during these unprecedented times that it can be harder to keep engaged. So we’ve created a Wellbeing area from useful posts from our blog and product recommendations to help to get you through this period. You can also have your say in what content you would like to see during the time by clicking here.
With love Enjoy some light reading
From The Blog Enjoy some light reading
Calming scents for bed
According to The Sleep Council, 22% of Britons sleep poorly most nights, with 33% of us having only five or six hours sleep a night. And if you’re done with counting sheep or eating an earlier dinner, you’ll want to listen up….
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Wearing Botanical Scents
Our sense of smell is so strongly linked to parts of the brain that hold emotion and memories, that it’s no wonder spritzing a botanical scent needs to be on your to-do list…
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Mood-Boosting Oils In Perfume
What do aromatherapy and perfume have in common? They both use essential oils to create incredible smells. That’s right, it’s time to get friendly with the aromatherapy oils in perfume that will instantly boost your mood…
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Calming Scents to Help Relax
Certain aromas and scents have been used for centuries in an attempt to calm us down. So, if you’re looking for a way to help you reach that zen state then take a look at these notes and perfumes to sooth your worried mind…
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